Upside Down Cross - Red
hello cruel world
How frozen I became and powerless then, / Ask it not, Reader, for I write it not, / Because all language would be insufficient; / I did not die, and I alive remained not; / Think for thyself now, hast thou aught of wit, / What I became, being of both deprived.
i guess this is considered a vent blog or page or whatever?? i don't know. i just share my deranged thoughts here. i hope you are doing well. please be warned that there will be lots of sensitive imagery on this page. explore at your own risk. this site is a constant work in progress. expect updates frequently. this site was created as of december 12th of 2022. if you are going to go here to tell me to get help or to get therapy, i am on medication and am in therapy, just so you know. i just need a little area that won't fund corporate social sites where i can express how i really feel. thank you for stopping by nonetheless. i hope you find what you are searching for on your journey throughout the web.
The World is an unwelcoming place. But here, I welcome you with open arms. Would you like to go on a ride with me, Small One?
Hold you close.
The World Is Against You.
This Land is quite a small place to travel. I apologize for the lack of ... EXPLORATION. More will be to come, Smaller One. And I will greet you with arms just as open as now whenever the time arrives. Thank You.